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【計】 接線的英語解釋:
動詞 connect:
connect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces同義詞:connect, link, tie, link up
make a logical or causal connection同義詞:associate, tie in, relate, link, colligate, link up, connect
be or become joined or united or linked同義詞:connect, link, link up, join, unite
join by means of communication equipment同義詞:connect
land on or hit solidly同義詞:connect
join for the purpose of communication同義詞:connect
be scheduled so as to provide continuing service, as in transportation同義詞:connect
establish a rapport or relationship同義詞:connect
establish communication with someone同義詞:get in touch, touch base, connect
plug into an outlet同義詞:plug in, connect
hit or play a ball successfully同義詞:connect
形容詞 connecting:syntactically connecting sentences or elements of a sentence同義詞:copulative
例句:The police are connecting this incident with last week's terrorist bombing.警方認為這次事件和上周的 * * 事件有關。
Pertaining to processing units that are connected by means of channel-to-channel adapters that are used to pass control information between the processors.用于修飾或說明經由通道到通道適配器連接的處理部件,通過這些適配器在處理機之間傳遞控制信息。參閱tightly-coupled。
A short connecting track by which a train can be transferred from one line to another.轉轍軌,渡線使火車從一條鐵路線轉到另一條鐵路線上的短的連接軌道
A device connecting two organ keyboards so that they may be played together.聯(lián)鍵音栓連接兩個風琴鍵盤使之能夠同時演奏的裝置
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