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柳州清華少兒英語 清華少兒英語培訓
1、apple songApple round, Apple red.Apple juicy, Apple sweet.Apple apple I love you.Apple sweet I love to eat.Angels Watching Over MeAll night, all day,Angels watching over me,my lord.All night, all day,Angels watching over me.Sun is a—setting in the west,Angels watching over me,my lordSleep my child, take your rest,Angels watching over me.All night, all day,Angels watching over me,my lord.All night, all day,Angels watching over me.All night, all day,Angels watching over me,my lord.All night, all day,Angels watching over me.Sun is a—setting in the west,Angels watching over me,my lordSleep my child, take your rest,Angels watching over me.All night, all day,Angels watching over me,my lord.All night, all day,Angels watching over me.Baby ByeBaby bye,there is a fly,We will watch him you and I。
2、There he goes, on his tose,Right up to your nose, nose, nose.Donkey Donkey I Beg YouPlease don''t sing heehaw, heehawI shall feed you.I shall feed you.Please don''t sing heehaw, heehaw.Heehaw, heehaw, heehaw, heehaw.Why you sing so loud?I shall feed you. I shall feed you.Please don''t sing heehaw, heehaw.Hello SongHello. Hello. How are you?I’m fine. Thank you.Hello. Good moring. How are you?I’m fine Thank you.Are you ready to have fun?Yes, we are !Are you ready to sing?Yes, we are !Are you ready for English?Then, come on!Let’s begin!Hello. Hello. How are you?I’m fine. Thank you.Hello,Good afternoon. How are you?I’m fine,too.Thank you.Who Stole the cookies from the cookie JarWho stole the cookies from the cookie jar?Cindy stole the cookies from the cookie jar?Who me?Yes,you!Not me!Then who?Linda stole the cookies from the cookie jar?Who me? Yes,you!Not me!Then who?Sally stole the cookies from the cookie jar?Who me? Yes,you!Not me!Then who?Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?Cindy stole the cookies from the cookie jar?Who me?Yes,you!Not me!Then who?Linda stole the cookies from the cookie jar?Who me? Yes,you!Not me!Then who?Sally stole the cookies from the cookie jar? Who me? Yes,you!Not me!Then who?Five Little MonkeysFive Little Monkeys jumping on the bed.One fell off and bumped his head.Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said."No more monkeys jumping on the bed."Four Little Monkeys jumping on the bed.One fell off and bumped his head.Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said."No more monkeys jumping on the bed."Three Little Monkeys jumping on the bed.One fell off and bumped his head.Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said."No more monkeys jumping on the bed."Two Little Monkeys jumping on the bed.One fell off and bumped his head.Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said."No more monkeys jumping on the bed."One Little Monkeys jumping on the bed.He fell off and bumped his head.Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said."No more monkeys jumping on the bed."Ten Fat SausagesTen fat sausages sitting in the pan,One went pop,and another went bam!Eight fat sausages sitting in the pan,One went pop,and another went bam!Six fat sausages sitting in the pan,One went pop,and another went bam!Four fat sausages sitting in the pan,One went pop,and another went bam!Two fat sausages sitting in the pan,One went pop,and another went bam!No more sausages sitting in the pan.ColoursRed, yellow and blueRed, yellow and blueLovely colours for youRed, yellow and bluePink, orange and greenPink, orange and greenLet's paint a lovely sceneWith pink, orange and greenI’m a little TeapotI’m a little teapot, short and stout.Here is my handle, here is my spout.When I get all steamed up, I just shout.Tip me over, and pour me out!Im a very special pot, it’s true.Heres an example of what I can do.I can turn my handle into a spout.Tip me over , and pour me out.Twinkle twinkle little starTwinkle, twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are!Up above the world so high,Like a diamond in the sky.Twinkle, twinkle, little star,How I wonder what you are!歌詞實在是太多了,不能一個個發(fā),專輯里的兒歌都是廣為傳唱的,歌詞網上都可以搜到,專輯兒歌如下:1. Follow Me2.Oh,Mr. Sun!3.If You are Happy4.Bingo5.Hush Little Baby6.Greetings7.Mad, Sad, Glad8.rain9.Everybody Jump10.Five Little Monkeys11.six little ducks12.I Like Dog13.Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear14.One, Two, Buckle My Shoe15. One Finger One Thumb16.I am a boy17.January18.I Love the Mountains19.I Am a Little Snowman20.Twinkle twinkle little .21.Hickory Dickory dock22.I’m a little Teapot23. Number song24.Days of the Month25.Colours26.Blue Bus Blues27.Hands Chant28.Whose Puppy Is This29.Ten Fat Sausages30.Five Little Monkeys31.Who Stole the cookies from the.32.Hello Song33.Donkey Donkey I Beg You34.Baby Bye35.Angels Watching Over Me36.Apple Song。
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