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command name
網(wǎng)絡命令名; 命令名稱; 命令
So, the command name for a single transfer from the local store to system memory using fence synchronization would be MFC_PUTF_CMD. 因此使用fence同步從本地存儲向系統(tǒng)內(nèi)存發(fā)起的一次數(shù)據(jù)傳輸使用的命令名應該是MFCPUTFCMD。
Then, use awk to strip out the command name minus options and arguments, and pass the sorted list to uniq to give an enumerated list. 然后,使用awk刪除命令名稱減號選項和參數(shù),然后將經(jīng)過排序的列表傳遞給uniq以得到一個枚舉列表。
Pass the command the name of the disk device to which you want to install it& typically,/ dev/ sda or/ dev/ hda. 將想要安裝的磁盤設備名傳遞給命令&通常是/dev/sda或/dev/hda。
The simplest AdminTask commands are executed without parameters, and the syntax is basically AdminTask followed by the command name. 最簡單的AdminTask命令是執(zhí)行時沒有參數(shù)的命令,它的基本語法是AdminTask后跟命令名。
A great number of shell features affect how the command name you type is interpreted. 大量的Shell特性可以影響到如何解釋您所輸入的命令名。
Sometimes, a new command name, such as genisofs, will replace an older command name, but the old name ( mkisofs) is kept as a link to the new command. 有時,像genisofs這樣的新命令名會替代一個舊命令名,但舊名稱(mkisofs)被保留作為對新命令的鏈接。
CommandGroupExtension specifies the command group name in the name attribute and the list of command names in the commands attribute. CommandGroupExtension指定名稱屬性中的命令組名稱和命令屬性中的命令名稱列表。
If you type a command name, then bash looks for that command on your path, which is a colon-separated list of directories in the PATH environment variable. 如果輸入一個命令名,那么bash將在您的路徑(path)中查找該命令,路徑就是指PATH環(huán)境變量中以冒號分隔的目錄列表。
Is all the arguments of the last command, except the command name. 是最后一條命令的所有參數(shù),命令名除外。
In the lines, green indicates that the command name is valid; an invalid command name is colored red. 綠色表示命令名是有效的;無效的命令名用紅色表示。
The@ CliCommand annotation has two attributes: value, which defines the command name, and help, which defines the help message shown when you type the help command. @CliCommand注釋有兩個屬性:value,它定義命令名稱,和help,它定義幫助消息,當您輸入help命令時會顯示幫助消息。
Start the MMC by clicking Run from the Windows Start menu, then type mmc for the command name. 在Windows開始菜單中單擊Run以啟動MMC,然后在命令名稱中鍵入mmc。
You can also see from the above example the printout of all the cn: ( command name) values. 您還可以從上面的示例中看到所有cn:(命令名)值的輸出。
Specify column-specific information for inpidual columns, such as a sort expression and command name. 指定各個列的特定于列的信息,例如排序表達式和命令名。
Property to specify the command name. 屬性以指定命令名。
A command button has a command name associated with the button, such as sort, by setting the commandname property. 通過設置commandname屬性,“命令”按鈕可具有與之關聯(lián)的命令名,例如sort。
Bad command or file name 錯誤的命令或文件名
Tool Path: Specifies the command line name of the linker tool. 工具路徑:指定鏈接器工具的命令行名稱。
Bad command or file name! Go Stand in the corner. 輸入了錯誤的命令或者文件名!現(xiàn)在罰你到墻角罰站!
Retrieves the command name that is associated with the previous button. 檢索與“上一步”按鈕關聯(lián)的命令名。
The list of menu items is alphabetically sorted, so you can easily find any program or command by its name. 菜單項的列表按字母順序排序,所以你可以很容易地找到它的名稱的任何程序或命令。
The complete syntax for commands is based on the full command name listed keyboard, environment options dialog box. 命令的完整語法基于“鍵盤,環(huán)境選項”對話框中列出的完整命令名。
If an alias has been entered, the full command name appears instead of the alias name in the error message. 如果輸入了別名,在錯誤信息中將顯示完整命令名而不是別名。
Error: Can specify command name only once, at column (% 0)% 1 錯誤:只能指定一次命令名,位于(%0)%1列
0100is not a valid macro or command name. 0100不是有效的宏名或命令名。
A rule using this command name already exists. 使用此命令名的規(guī)則已存在。
Button does not have a command name associated with the button and simply posts the web page back to the server. 按鈕沒有與之關聯(lián)的命令名,它只是將網(wǎng)頁發(fā)送回服務器。
The code in the host page that receives an ItemCommand event is passed the instance of the ContextMenu which fired the event and the command name associated with the clicked item. 頁面上的代碼將獲得兩部分內(nèi)容:引發(fā)事件的ContextMenu實例;與點擊項相關的commandname。
Likewise, you set text, tooltip, and command name getting data from the corresponding menu item object. 同樣的,要設置從對應的菜單項對象得到的文本(text),工具提示(tooltip),和命令名(commandname)。
Next, add to each instance as many menu items as needed and configure them all with tooltips, command names, and whatever else you want to add, such as keyboard shortcuts and links to help topics. 然后,為每個菜單添加菜單項,并配置每個菜單項的的工具提示,命令名(commandname)和其它所需的內(nèi)容,例如快捷鍵和幫助主題的鏈接。
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